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A more meaningful engagement strategy at work...
  • Wall


    Any of the colleagues in your network can make wall posts on the Wall.

    • Make a Wall post
    • Comment on a Wall post made by a colleague.
    • View all comments on a Wall post.
    • Like a Wall post shared by a colleague.
    • View all colleagues who have liked the Wall post.
    • Share an image.
    • Share a link.
    • Share a video.
    • Share a document.
    • Use smileys in your Wall posts.
    • Categorize your Wall post.
    • Delete update/comment on a Wall post.
    • Mark a Wall post as favorite.
    • Follow/un-follow a Wall post.
    • Set personalized filter.
    • Search for Wall posts

  • Share images/documents/videos with your post

    You can attach an image, document, video along with your post. You can also make use of smileys.

    share images
  • share images

    Share images/documents/videos with your post

    You can attach an image, document, video along with your post. You can also make use of smileys.

  • Wish Birthday

    Wish Birthday

    Send birthday wishes to your colleagues. Choose to schedule a birthday wish on the colleague’s wall so that you don’t ever miss to wish anyone.

  • Awards

    Send awards/appreciation notes to your colleagues.

  • Awards


    Send awards/appreciation notes to your colleagues.

  • Polls


    Gather valuable public opinion without losing on time. Start a poll that will be posted on the Wall. Your colleagues can choose to vote on the polls.

  • Categorize your Wall posts

    Select pre-defined categories or add new categories. You can then attach your post with the most relevant categories where you want your posts to appear. Categories are thus like tags on your post.

    If you click on the category that is displayed along with the wall post, you will be taken to the exclusive page for that category, where you can view all the posts in that category.

    Categorize your updates
  • Categorize your updates

    Categorize your Wall posts

    Select pre-defined categories or add new categories. You can then attach your post with the most relevant categories where you want your posts to appear. Categories are thus like tags on your post.

    If you click on the category that is displayed along with the wall post, you will be taken to the exclusive page for that category, where you can view all the posts in that category.

  • Set personalized Filter

    Set personalized Filter

    The company wall displays all the posts posted by any of your colleagues in the network.

    You can choose to follow only a few selected colleagues on your network and then set a personalized filter on your company-wide network such that posts from ONLY those colleagues appear, whom you’ve chosen to follow.

    At any point of time, you can choose to view all the posts on your network.

    Thus, you can personalize your company-wide wall.

    You can also use date range filters to search for older posts.

  • Follow/un-follow a Wall post

    When you create a Wall post, you automatically get subscribed to receiving email alerts when someone comments or likes the post. Using this feature, you can choose to un-follow the post and switch off the email alerts on this post.

    At any point of time, you can choose to follow the same post again.

    Follow/un-follow an update
  • Follow/un-follow an update

    Follow/un-follow a Wall post

    When you create a post, you automatically get subscribed to receiving email alerts when someone comments or likes the post. Using this feature, you can choose to un-follow the post and switch off the email alerts on this post.

    At any point of time, you can choose to follow the same post again.

  • Profile


    Detailed profile of your colleague is available to you that displays colleague’s wall, contact information, education, work experience, expertise, biography etc. .

  • Mentions

    Mentions are the communications that make special note of particular colleague. Posts made on the wall can include this special mention which is available to you in your Mentions sections.

  • Mentions


    Mentions are the communications that make special note of particular colleague. Posts made on the wall can include this special mention which is available to you in your Mentions sections.

  • Private Messages

    Private Messages

    Private messages can be sent by colleagues. An email alert and a notification is sent to you on receiving a new private message. A private message is similar to post that can be replied to, and this post is shared only between two colleagues.